
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I am aware that my text will be checked for content. It is possible that my text will not be selected for publication or that I will be asked to revise it and submit it again.
  • All rights of the submitted text reside with me, the author, and other authors indicated. I have marked quotations in letter or in spirit from other texts (including the reviewed one) as such. I am aware that any infringement of this rule will result in the withdrawal of the respective text from our website with the reasons being publicly given, and the article labelled as "withdrawn for plagiarism".
  • I permit publication of this text under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0.
  • I have included all copyright information (author/s, right holders) for material, images etc. that I have used in the text I have submitted. (Additional files such as images or attachments can be uploaded in step 4 of the submission procedure.)
  • This text has not been published elsewhere previously.
  • This contribution fits into the gender studies field. If the book reviewed is not directly relevant to the field, I have focussed on an aspect relevant for gender studies.
  • I agree that my personal data in the scope of this submission be published (name, institutional affiliation, biography, email address and, where appropriate, homepage URL).
  • I have followed the journal's style sheet and guidelines for formatting. I have used gender sensitive language and have included a bibliography for literature references.



Author Guidelines


Registered authors may apply to review a book from our suggestion list or submit their own suggestions.


Extent of reviews

As an electronic journal, we do not have an upper word limit. For your orientation, though, we suggest a length of 8,000─12, 000 characters (incl. spaces). If the structure of your review requires a more elaborate analysis of the work/s discussed, this is not a problem. We do reserve the right to suggest cuts in our editing process.


Components of each review

 Please find a concise and telling title for your review. Please do not use subtitles or very long titles, and do not repeat the title of the book discussed. For an abstract, please write a short summary of your review (max. 800 characters). This should be understandable on its own account, but does not need to repeat your complete line of argument. Please refrain from repeating the title of the book or similar details that can be found in other places as well. We will have the abstract translated into English.


Please include the complete set of bibliographical data on the book discussed: author/s, and/or editor/s, title, subtitle, place of publication, publishing house and year, number of pages (the last page given a number), ISBN and price.


Please leave us an email address, as well as your homepage if you have one (your personal one, not the one of the institution you are affiliated with). We will publish both beside your review as contact data. In any case, we ask you to include a few lines about your current institutional affiliation or workplace.


House orthography

Please write your review in accordance with the rules of the Neue Deutsche Rechtschreibung in the valid version, if you write in German. If official rules allow more than one spelling, we reserve the right to opt for the one ensuring consistent usage at querelles-net.


Further guidelines for formatting your article

  • We ask that you use gender-sensitive language (e.g. in German, expressions that are neutral of gender such as: "Autor/-innen", "Autor_innen").
  • Please do not use any special forms of formatting (e.g. indentations, fonts). Larger paragraphs of your text should be given subheadings. If you want to emphasise a word, italicise it (no underlining, bold print, letter-spacing, inverted commas).
  •  Given the interdisciplinary character of our journal, please refrain from using sigla and other abbreviations, or write them out in full.
  •  When referring to passages from the book discussed, please include page references (or respectively, the number of paragraph).
  • Titles of books and journals should be italicised; single articles from a compilation, however, should be placed in double inverted commas without italics.
  • Please avoid using footnotes.
  • For references to works other than the book under review, please include a bibliography for full bibliographical details. Within your text, however, use a short form of reference (author, year, p. 10).
Please insert your text, if possible, into the stylesheet provided (MS Word). We also accept your review as an OpenOffice file or in a directly readable format (e.g. txt or html). In these cases, please ensure that your files contain all necessary information.



We check submitted reviews for plagiarism. We kindly ask reviewers to keep in mind that even the inclusion of passages either identical or close to the reviewed text without clear attribution count as plagiarism.


Suggestion list

You will find books that we would like to have reviewed on our suggestion list. You may also submit your suggestions for future reviews of pertinent others.





In this section we will publish reviews on publications, dealing with a wide range of topics within the field of gender studies. All reviews will be evaluated by the editorial board and, if accepted, carefully edited and layouted.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Personal data that are submitted with your texts (in particular name, institutional affiliation, biographical information, email address, homepage URL) will be published beside your text.


User data or other personal data will not be given to third parties. There will be no analysis of user data other than frequency of access (via Google Analytics or other such services). querelles-net does not insert VG Wort tracking pixels into the documents.