Review of: Iris Mendel: WiderStandPunkte. Umkämpftes Wissen, feministische Wissenschaftskritik und kritische Sozialwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 2015.
Feminismus, Kolonialismus, Macht, Moderne, Postkolonialismus, Ungleichheit, Wissenschaftstheorie, Gender, GeschlechtAbstract
In this publication of her PhD thesis, the Austrian social scientist and philosopher Iris Mendel presents an outline of how to recalibrate feminist social-scientific critique. Following Canadian sociologist Dorothy Edith Smith, she focuses on advancing the concept of a ‚standpoint of everyday experience’ by juxtaposing it with theories of black women as well as theories of transnational and postcolonial feminism. The result is as refreshing as it is breathless and inspiring; nevertheless, if the author had focused more clearly on her line of argument and provided more examples or empirical references, her book would have gained.Downloads
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