Review of: Kirsten Achtelik: Selbstbestimmte Norm. Feminismus, Pränataldiagnostik, Abtreibung. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag 2015.
Behinderung, Bevölkerungspolitik, Feminismus, Körper, Schwangerschaftsabbruch, Gender, GeschlechtAbstract
From a historical perspective, the journalist Kirsten Achtelik tackles a topic that up to the present day has been widely ignored within the field of academic and political feminism: the feminist concept of self-determination and social-political questions when it comes to using reproductive technologies. Her argumentation is prompted by discussions about recent biotechnological developments, mainly as regards prenatal diagnostics, rendered problematic in a context of diagnosing handicaps. Achtelik creates a convincing synopsis of feminist positions and of positions of feminists with disabilities, thus illustrating just how closely related are the topics of disability and gender.Downloads
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