Review of: Myra Marx Ferree: Feminismen. Die deutsche Frauenbewegung in globaler Perspektive. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Campus Verlag 2018.
Alte Frauenbewegungen, Feminismus, Gender Mainstreaming, Geschlecht, Gleichstellung, Intersektionalität, Neue Frauenbewegungen, Politik, Recht, Soziale Bewegungen, Staat, UngleichheitAbstract
Women's movements follow different dynamics in different countries and are mainly characterized by the respective links of gender relations with other dimensions of social inequality, but are also dependent on different strategic decisions by the actors in this context. Myra Marx Ferree demonstrates the plurality and dynamics of feminist politics in the case of Germany compared to the US over the long period from 1848 to 2005. Rather exemplary than systematic broad lines of change of feminism or gender politics are highlighted in their intersectional entanglement with other axes of difference as well as other dimensions of social movement and political action. Above all, the comparative perspective is intended to give new impulses to the development of strategies of feminist politics in a global perspective.
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