Review of: Lisa Yashodhara Haller: Elternschaft im Kapitalismus. Staatliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitsteilung junger Eltern. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Campus Verlag 2018.
Arbeitsteilung, Aushandlung, Elternzeit, Familie, Feminismus, Feminist Materialism, Gender, Gerechtigkeit, Geschlecht, Methoden, Ökonomie, Politik, Recht, Rollen, Staat, Teilhabe, UngleichheitAbstract
Lisa Yashodara Haller uses the multi-level analysis on legal control mechanisms of the division of labor of young parents to present a well-grounded empirical as well as feminist-materialistic analysis. The policy analysis on the one hand and the subject-oriented interaction analysis on the other point to the intertwining of state control in the capitalist economic system and the individual negotiation strategies of young parents. Through this, the complex of structural unequal distribution of reproduction and production labor in capitalism becomes clear.
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