Manageable remedies for Equality Policies at Universities


  • Ulla Bock Berlin/Zentraleinrichtung zur Förderung von Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung an der Freien Universität Berlin



Gleichstellung, Hochschule, Geschlecht, Gender


The Handbuch zur universitären Gleichstellungspolitik (Handbook for University Policies of Equality), which was compiled by a group of authors at the University of Göttingen, describes the varying actions and tools proven effective in maintaining policies of equality at institutions of higher education. The distinguishing character of this handbook lies in its emphasis on the necessity for a close link between theory and practice. With this in mind, the authors have placed the fundamental theoretical discourses before the main section, which then concretely attends to the issue of equality. The work of reference is an excellent tool for both centralized and decentralized women’s representatives overseeing equal opportunities in institutions of higher education.

