A Textbook for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy—Gender Differences under the Microscope?


  • Isabella Heuser Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
  • Nicole C. Schommer Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie




Gesundheit, Psychoanalyse, Geschlecht, Gender


Anke Rohde and Andres Marneros have given themselves a lofty goal: To put together a systematic collection for the first time that contains the entire body of knowledge on the gender-specific aspects of symptomatology, epidemiology, diagnostics, pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy of psychological disturbances. There are two notable aspects: First, in accordance with contemporary gender analysis, the examination of the gender-specific differences takes both women and men into account; second, the book provides a complete overview of the common and well-known psychological disturbances as well as the extremely rare psychiatric illnesses along the entire age spectrum. Although the quality of the individual articles clearly ranges from the very sophisticated to a superficial treatment inappropriate for a textbook, the volume itself is, for the most part, an informative work of reference that offers an initial overview of gender-specific psychiatry.

