Resisting Work’s Undertow: Life in an Egalitarian Model


  • Aschermann Ellen Fachgruppe Psychologie, Universität zu Köln



Arbeit, Familie, Kinder, Reproduktionsarbeit, Süd- und Westeuropa, Geschlecht, Gender


The authors examine life in the egalitarian family model in Switzerland through the assessments made by partners and their growing children. The study presents a longitudinal cross-section taken over a period of ten years. Changes in the organization of the areas of work, the home, and the family are levied and structured according to qualitative analysis of partially structured interviews. The first volume presents the theoretical groundwork and encompasses findings on the changes in the parents. The second volume approaches the experience of the children who grew up in these families. They, too, were questioned according to partially structures interviews. Additionally, the children’s perspective is compared to a control group raised in a more traditional fashion.

