Mechtild Oechsle, Helen Knauf, Christiane Maschetzke, Elke Rosowski: Abitur und was dann? Berufsorientierung und Lebensplanung junger Frauen und Männer und der Einfluss von Schule und Eltern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2009.


  • Annette Kliewer Universität Koblenz-Landau



Jugend, Mädchen, Jungen, Bildung, Schule, Koedukation, Familie, Sozialisation, Geschlecht, Gender


As the world of work changes, so too do the values of youth – young people can no longer assume that they will find a life-long career, and in the face of the threat of unemployment, the family becomes increasingly important. This has also complicated the process of career orientation: a career choice must not only correspond to the specifications of the working world, which continue to become less and less predictable and can change radically through the course of a person’s life. Instead, such a choice must also take important issues surrounding life planning into account. The question as to the (different) approaches taken by girls and boys in this situation is central to the study at hand.

Author Biography

Annette Kliewer, Universität Koblenz-Landau

Privatdozentin an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Institut Germanistik und Oberstudienrätin am Gymnasium im Alfred-Grosser-Schulzentrum Bad Bergzabern

