Review of: Enrico Wolf: Bewegte Körper – bewegte Bilder. Der pornografische Film: Genrediskussion, Geschichte, Narrativik. München: diskurs film Verlag 2008.


  • Lea Wohl Universität Hamburg



Film, Pornografie, Sexualität, Geschlecht, Gender


This study, submitted as a dissertation to the University of Leipzig, pursues the question as to our understanding of genre with regard to pornographic film and its aesthetic forms. It does so from the perspective of film studies. The author treads new ground through his detailed descriptions and analyses of pornographic films, which allow for the discovery of aesthetic components and historical developments. He can thus offer a differentiated look at pornographic film images that are decidedly heterogeneous in their aesthetic. At some points it would have been desirable (and more reader-friendly) had the author gone beyond his pre-formulated research perspective and not only described observations, but also took the interpretation thereof further.

