Review of: Gaye Suse Kromer: Obszöne Lust oder etablierte Unterhaltung? Zur Rezeption pornografischer Filme. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag 2008.


  • Sarah Dellmann



Film, Pornografie, Medien, Geschlecht, Gender


The author questions four men and four women as to their use of pornography and their experience with the reception of the pornographic film Adrenaline (Italy 2003). The introductory chapter containing legal sources on pornography, a definition for pornography, and the history of pornographic films cannot serve as a theoretical and professional contextualization, even by dissertation standards; these are also not related to the interviews. The main section contains the interviews. The author is only partially able to develop stringent categories for analyzing the qualitative interviews – for example in the development of a research question. The interviews, published in the appendix of the book, are an interesting source for further research on the reception of pornographic films.

Author Biography

Sarah Dellmann

Studium der Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Soziologie und Philosophie an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main

