Review of: Christina von Braun, Dorothea Dornhof, Eva Johach (Hg.): Das Unbewusste. Krisis und Kapital der Wissenschaften. Studien zum Verhältnis von Wissen und Geschlecht. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2009.


  • Zara Simone Pfeiffer



Psychoanalyse, Repräsentation, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Wissenschaftstheorie, Geschlecht, Gender


Science, which purports to be self-reflexive, should not ignore its unconscious element – this is convincingly proven in the collected volume edited by Christina von Braun, Dorothea Dornhof, and Eva Johach. The focus is not merely on the unconscious as an object of the sciences, but on the role of the unconscious as a subject of knowledge organization and knowledge production, as “crisis and capital” of the sciences, indeed simultaneously functioning as sand and oil in the transmission of knowledge. In place of a systematic overview, the interdisciplinary volume offers a number of clever, sometimes surprising, and always well-worth reading perspectives on the visual and political unconscious, its history of knowledge, and its place in the order of knowledge.

Author Biography

Zara Simone Pfeiffer

Laufende Promotion bei Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa am Institut für Soziologie der LMU München.





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