Review of: Barbara Kavemann, Heike Rabe (Hg.): Das Prostitutionsgesetz. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung. Opladen u.a.: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2009.


  • Ulrike Lembke Universität Hamburg



Arbeit, Beruf, Geld, Konsum, Körper, Prostitution, Recht, Sexualität, Verwaltung, Geschlecht, Gender


The collected volume on prostitution law, edited by Barbara Kavemann and Heike Rabe, is unique in its discussion of the topic from a variety of perspectives. It allows particularly those perspectives to come to the fore that often do not have a voice in the media debates, including prostitutes in very different life and work situations as well as brothel managers and practitioners from the areas of social work, administration, and justice. In so doing, the editors convincingly portray a differentiated and realistic image of prostitution and its regulation in Germany as well as identify areas of need for further help and action. They also offer up groundbreaking praxis-based models.

Author Biography

Ulrike Lembke, Universität Hamburg

Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft

