Die Mobilisierung des Kostüms. Überlegungen zur Rolle des Rockes in formeller und halbformeller Kleidung


  • Charlotte Giese




Körper, Kultur, Macht, Mode, Moderne, Geschlecht, Gender


Serious representation of the self in politics and business often goes hand in hand with the man’s suit and its feminine counterpart, the pantsuit. The combination of jacket and skirt is also related to the man’s suit and in the past was more common than the feminine pantsuit. This study examines the skirt’s meaning today for representative formal occasions as well as the skirt’s increasingly semiformal nature. In today’s urban clothing environment more and more skirts are being replaced by a hybrid formation between dress and body. This consists of tight pants that accentuate women’s legs. The fact that the skirt remains coded as feminine and that outfits increasingly conform to fit urban mobility means that the skirt has been excluded from (semi)formal wear.

Author Biography

Charlotte Giese

Charlotte Giese ist freie Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Referentin und Autorin. Ihre Forschungsinteressen gelten urbanem Lifestyle, Mobilität, Kommunikation und deren Verstrickungen mit Kleidung. An der Universität Oldenburg, an der sie auch promoviert hat, ist sie derzeit an einem Forschungsprojekt zu historischen Kleidungsformen im Wendland beteiligt. Sie lebt in Berlin.

